
31 August 2011

Love Message Word Sistah Quest

What of the long vines of blurring bloodlines -
Poor we, who claim sovereignty over subjectivity
And a Soul's voyeuristic authority?
Climb, climb the channeled rhyme:
What purpose have occult mystery,
Divine magical imagery, dark ruddy sex,
And poetry;
Getting high all the time on nature sublime;
Save to feed the pining fire of desire:
A Poverty of Reality, sheer lunacy inspire?

We're fools to believe the literacy,
The Academy of His story,
Her story, mine... all passed down
Through veiled history.
Gods, monsters and swine: there just might be
No Just.

Open the aperture of your eyes to accommodate
Abstract thought crime in this shifting paradigm,
Perceive the Giant Majesty so great and yet so fine!
This psychedelic continuity -
An Eye and an I to experience the self, a Me,
Messages in emotion, guiding lights of how to be,
Signs leading through labyrinthine infinity.

Forgive ourselves needs for apology,
Because, really,
Who is Them and who is We:
Experimental lifeforms holding on tight to identity -
OPEN YOUR MIND who is them and who is we?
Check the status of material solidity, a robotic
Dance of conformity and dramatic intent on validity.
But where are the bonds that bind us in slavery?

A kind of Cosmic caress, cruel love and
Painful gentleness
Reaches out through third sight to find me:
Life is absurd and we are free
Then perpetual unrest and
Vicious thought protest when
Life gets repressed;
Violent dissatisfaction without cease,
She gets depressed then finds expression,
Revolt and release.
Set free this chained beast through
A Being in a moment
And a smile upon awareness:
We are blessed to be
And there's nothing wrong with me...

As though there were a solid self to see
By that I that could be so displeased.
Love message word sistah quest,
A silent surgery

Exhibition 1 - 15th September

So here we are at the end of August, woah
Time for K8's first properly organised solo...

READ ALL ABOUT IT:    A Surgery Of Quiet Ideas

Check out the ICE gallery for an awesome space to do things at
while living the creative life in the East London area.