
01 December 2017

Haiku - Isotopes

Leaving pieces of shadow behind,
Ink spillings 
On the night walk home

11 October 2017

30 September 2017

Dodoitsu - Sister’s Brother

Excellence is Brilliance
Sister’s Brother, Innocence
Dislodging Memories and
Setting free the Bears

05 August 2017

Syllables for Finja

(Being able to)
Let go at a moment’s notice
She took my hand from behind
From the inside, like a Queen taking her King

The safe, hidden places I sought,
That called me, showed me
When I was young

Nature so beautiful
Without any human hand
I can be tucked away or swallowed up
Respect in each foot fall and care to
Do no harm

Is poetry written by humans
Who would do no harm
Care and art in the living of each step

Is it possible to walk without harm
In a military-industrial capitalist system?
How far am I removed
By Commerce.
Is it possible to walk without harm

Playful intellect-weaving labyrinths of investigative exploration on the innernet
Green moss on sea rocks
All the pretty, secret places into which we can retreat

Force mind shift
Sometimes Kind
Is Cruelty
Firm can be
Words undo
Sense make take
Nature’s child

All the people
Snuggle down
Into me and you
Dune. Part of Water.

02 August 2017

Tercet - Grudge

wanting to be left alone
she begrudgingly took part
- earth: her kingdom

30 July 2017

Tercet - Secret birds

In a forest river bed
Secret birds make themselves heard:
How to hear to learn the language of one’s heart

26 July 2017


Bump on the legs

The Cold is landing,
A Visitor bearing Gifts.

Free stuff.
Different from you and I
Jumping happy wild
Care Free.

Define every thing.
Some things evade definition.
Encounters in oxygen shared across space with other beings.

Someone to appreciate
Someone to provide Proof of understanding.

Cold keeps the nib wet,
Ready and waiting.

04 July 2017

Grahamstown - Nightjar Sound

In pocket
Away from Human World 

Nightjar sound.


A little bird.

Nature you need.
Come with me.

14 June 2017

Tercet - He searched the whole of South Africa

He searched the whole of South Africa for a thimble
He threw a packet of five cent coins at some chickens
Not a single malicious bone in his body.

13 May 2017

Tercet: Melancholia; feeling.

The quagmire of forgetfulness
And then the cave of rest and healing:
Melancholia; feeling.

A3 charcoal, graphite, coloured pencils 
- drawing from 2013

01 May 2017

Haiku: Marry me

Marry me. White pen,
White paper, clarity:
Thoughts of you swim float through

A3 graphite - drawing from 2013

11 February 2017

Tercet: Death is possibly the cure

Death is possibly the cure
Cannabis oil is better
Suicide is forbidden among the Hopi

Wall piece: Cintsa East