
23 December 2018

Poetry evening

Good news! Harry and Andy are back in town, and we have a special guest this time - Taj, the Imam from the Open Mosque in Cape Town who'll be reading some 8th century Islamic poetry. So bring your friends and your verse and your lyres!

Friday 28 Dec 6:30pm at The Hearth of Cintsa Studio Gallery+ Project Space, Cintsa Drive, Cintsa East. We'll have wine.

21 December 2018

Authentic Kate Ion


Dark wine scribe
By top floor kitchen light writes
A catch up time to find the tears
To squeeze her out from all those years

It’s easy to rhyme, just not easy to feel
So I sublimate and break
From all the seemingly real

Retreat slow down stop
My life. What the fuck

Now to love like I’ve never been hurt
Or given up
Found the flow caught a fire
Living at the sea
I can’t keep me in our grief
So I set we free

Authentication back up strange
Hail the mid-halation and wake up rearranged
Reset and empty the plate
Back on straight, code fun eight
Mind erect and turned on
Access infinite energy & wisdom

24 November 2018

Haiku - Light

Black disappears into White:
Darkness is Shade,
The Shadow cast by Light. 

17 November 2018


The thing about the 2012 date.
We are multidimensional.
What ancient words dare I write
To usher in, to invoke, to invite
Allies who trade,
Who first taught us to trade.

Sit care-full with deep meaning, child,
You who are innocent and can see
But have no family, 
No language
No compass,
Save faith, mixed with a bit of blood and dust.
In the paint bowls and ink wells put trust

27 October 2018

Interspecies love

When the veils are thin
And the muses and daemons draw near,
To move to the borderlands,
Drink the wine
And record the songs of cheer

Crickets; ocean hard-on:
We are nowhere near
But we keep moving 
Close to 
The Transcendental Object
At The End Of Time.
And, by Gods! We try our best
To stay close to irreverance
And congruent seeking out of experience,
To try the boundaries,
Slip through or break down
The walls we’ve so unconsciously built and bought

Finished. Soap bubbles.
Deep soak. Facial scrub.

All the mantras
All that’s trend-appropriated:
To hell with you!
Where’s the original thought?

Where did you go,
You pretty sweet-talkers
You industrious free-sharers of intellectual property
You always seem to skip town


Roll up. Get in
Central processing unit
Sending out the code for feeling
Cell receptors capture mind food
What am I feeding on
What am I eating
What am I feeding
Stop anytime.
Stop me anytime.
Climb off when you need to.
You can stop anytime you need to.

11 October 2018


Heaviness is the experience of Time,
Non movement,
And the rain is a pardon.

10 September 2018

28 August 2018

16 August 2018

20 July 2018

Tercet: The Everyday

The Things that disappear into Pockets
The Mundane that holds the Moments when they do
We are just Visitors here

31 May 2018

Prayer for Winter

I would now like to de-scale,
Iron out the forming face lines,
And still smile.

I would now like to dilate flesh vessel,
Feel the pain of the world
And still smile.

I would like, now, to offload his story,
Sit and daydream, 
Access conscious intention for planetary future
And grow the growing smile.

24 May 2018

Haiku - Snail and wild hare

A warm wind sails in
Snail and wild hare:
Love like you have never been hurt

06 April 2018

Haiku - Project:ion

What you feeding
Are you even breathing?
Check the belly button for meaning

05 April 2018

Haiku - Ormus

Harvest your own gold
Fashion your own lenses
Try to see past the sun

31 March 2018

About the killing of snakes

Don’t kill the snake
Why do you fear the snake

If God is good and God is great
Then all is good and all is great
And God, too, made the snake

Just like he made the woman
The woman who made you
Your mother, your sister, your lover

There is nothing wrong with this earth
Every creature has its part

There is nothing wrong with you.
You belong here. God made you.

Don’t kill the snake. Kill your fear.
Kill your kulcha
Because your kulcha made you fear the snake.

26 March 2018

Tercet: Talismans

: wards against rocket science,
Insouciant nuclear warfaring tomfoolery
and other mimes of trickery

04 March 2018

08 February 2018

Haiku I - Goodness & Light; haiku II - With Pain


In all things
And at all times look only for
The goodness and the light


Glad to hear
Of your progress through Life.
We all have a hurt of some kind.

16 January 2018