
21 December 2020

Her elfin grace

Humbled, silenced,

Brought to a place of stillness, a place of ancient knowing,

In the presence of the Rock of Ages,

In contact with all possibility, in and out of everywhere and everything

Where n’er a word need more be said,

Beyond all language and concept

I sit, in the poetry, immersed in the field of the One Song

With all in the All.

Here the hummingbird comes to me

And brings to me a feeling that I can not chain with definition,

The experience of soul, temporarily separated

In being human for a moment, 

Recognising its self,

Seeing that recognition of self same soul in the eyes of an other:

In love is our meeting.

On folded knees and with bowed heads is this feeling

That embraces, then surpasses all meaning.

She accepts my sea hair and my unshorn barbarian bear body.

South to North in her toes and the roots of her brown hair,

She is disguised as woman of the fecund earth;

Horns of the ravenous sky in her fertile belly and her elfin elbows,

West to East in the line of her brow and the curve of her smile,

Her tanned skin wrapped in ocean kisses and salty wavecurl submersions.

The arches of her small feet are the stirrups of Gaia’s liquid hot deep gold,

Blood and soil pulsing up through her thin blue veins, climbing

Up into her, filling her, driving her

As she flits here and there, hovering motionless with wings beating,

Beating in rhythm with the invisible frequencies of ethers moving into matter,

Attending her flowers with the exquisite care and intensely focused love

Of one who is doing the work of examining the compass of her heart

And has chosen to trust it, beyond ego, beyond belief,

No matter which way it points.

And it pointed to my cave, and into my cave she floated,

Landed on my nose, and woke me up from long hibernation.

Here we sit now, over tea -

Honest bear and honourable hummingbird -

Waking up the dormant dolmens and ritual spaces

As Gaia herself yawns and stretches off her deep slumber.

And all we do is share with each other the honey we’ve gathered,

These years of our humble lives.

It is the nectar of the universe,

All cosmic process, intricate gifts of geometry,

All stories condensed to a singe epic tale, this book,

This page, this paragraph, this word,

The first and eternal sound held in our wild animal soul.

It is god and goddess holding each other

Fiercely, tenderly, singing,

Learning how to dance again

In this house once filled with dark loneliness.

We can see the stars

And we can see we are made of them.

17 December 2020

The endless blessing

May we see ourselves reflected in everything
May we see that every thing is a living thing, part of life.
May we see that we are part of life.

May we feel everything.
May we feel it move into and through us,
Each ecstatic happiness or despairing fear or pain,
Watch these things pass over and move through us,
Then let them go
And find nothing but ourselves in the wake,
New, changed. 

May we look up to see our own creations,
Look up and see what we have made,
Things we have made without even thinking.
May we begin more and more to choose 
What it is we want
Even if we tell ourselves we don't know what it looks like
Or feels like;
Let us take ourselves there anyway.
May we remember to move towards those places,
So that they can hear us too, and move towards us.
May we find each other there.

May we slowly wake up each year,
Each month, each week, each day
To find that we are waking up into
Our own dream,
That it's coming true.

May we begin to perceive the invisible threads
Weaving us into the tapestry of the divine,
The eternal entirety of Creation.
May we come to know that our scurrying, rushing, worrying
And otherwise seemingly important movements 
Can turn into a dance, 
And our 'way' can become bigger, gentler, calmer,
More efficient,
When we get out of that way.

May we move in a dance closer to the The Way of Universe,
The One Song, The Chi, The Prana, 
The giant breath that sings Creation in this and every moment.
May we seek out and come to know The Flow.
May we stay close and remain forever with it.
May we become it. May it find a home in us.
May we be gentle and patient
And take all the time, our sacred time, 
With ourselves in all this.

May we discover ourselves
And see the friends we've had all our lives,
Right here beside us, inside us all along,
Every dramatic, wyrd human step of the way.