Well, I told you so, chevron moon,
Inescapable attempts at utterances
Becoming desperate must
Draw the ink, oh happen!
My voice my body sorting whiles
A mess of babble
A stress of chaos
I’m not just
Awakening every day into an everyday
Like an ant in a next
Of orderly orders
Fucking fucked
Gia and James
Jim and Jack
Ganja and Angelo
Where do I find my final
So afraid and so lazy
Try to get high
And then try to move
Choosing to time travel
The channels of kindheartmind
Come on dimensions!
Noticing reckoning
Devoid of surface
The yellow invades my chin
And distractions reach out like zombies
To latch my fingers around
Reasons to leave and go somewhere
It’s not where
It’s when.
I want to look in me
Hear me breathe
Take in and regive
Retain water nourish
New nerve endings nurtured from
Congenital neuroses ripped out,
Crushing order destroyer genes
Obliterating this orchestra of scenes:
Distil them, still them
Roll it all up in a ball
Kiss it thank you and goodbye
And launch it.
Plah. Rhubarb.
The clink of cutlery from across the street.
Predictable highway accidents unravel
Oh, what I did with my eyes!
Unable to speak or draw
So incapable
Waste waste coming out my ears
I can’t leave them alone please
Silence this noise
Don’t’ go
(Something vicious approached
And I change the verse to read:)
Old habits outdated
Thought food
I’m dawning
No fawning
I’m growing down from dissention
Yeah, it’s violent.