
24 April 2019

Ancestral anger

It is we who are angry now
It is we who wake up into an agony of now
For it is a nightmare we awake into
A system of derision that has been
Programmed by you.

You who have burned the stories
Lost the knowledge
You lost the maps, the keys
Where is our treasure? Where is our gold?
You did not teach us the ways
You did not leave the tools for living
You ate everything and left nothing for us
We, the descendants of your future.

We are here now, angry and hungry
We will go inside
Give thanks
Seek our own permission
For we are you and you are us
We are here now
We will plant again and restore with what we have.
You destroyed nearly everything.
But we are here now to stop
We are here now to begin anew.

We will speak free
We will seek fun
We will no longer be silent for fear of
Your disapproval, or for fear of 
Your cutting the supply lines.

You are dying stubbornly
You don’t want to let go
You still want everything
You are deranged and psychotic
With a lust for the wrong kind of power
A power that kills and will not share
A power that excludes and expects
Lauding and praising from itself
And all outside itself
You will soon be extinct

Will you learn grace?
Will you slow down and rethink?
Yes, you will
We are here now to help you
We will right the wrong