
21 December 2020

Her elfin grace

Humbled, silenced,

Brought to a place of stillness, a place of ancient knowing,

In the presence of the Rock of Ages,

In contact with all possibility, in and out of everywhere and everything

Where n’er a word need more be said,

Beyond all language and concept

I sit, in the poetry, immersed in the field of the One Song

With all in the All.

Here the hummingbird comes to me

And brings to me a feeling that I can not chain with definition,

The experience of soul, temporarily separated

In being human for a moment, 

Recognising its self,

Seeing that recognition of self same soul in the eyes of an other:

In love is our meeting.

On folded knees and with bowed heads is this feeling

That embraces, then surpasses all meaning.

She accepts my sea hair and my unshorn barbarian bear body.

South to North in her toes and the roots of her brown hair,

She is disguised as woman of the fecund earth;

Horns of the ravenous sky in her fertile belly and her elfin elbows,

West to East in the line of her brow and the curve of her smile,

Her tanned skin wrapped in ocean kisses and salty wavecurl submersions.

The arches of her small feet are the stirrups of Gaia’s liquid hot deep gold,

Blood and soil pulsing up through her thin blue veins, climbing

Up into her, filling her, driving her

As she flits here and there, hovering motionless with wings beating,

Beating in rhythm with the invisible frequencies of ethers moving into matter,

Attending her flowers with the exquisite care and intensely focused love

Of one who is doing the work of examining the compass of her heart

And has chosen to trust it, beyond ego, beyond belief,

No matter which way it points.

And it pointed to my cave, and into my cave she floated,

Landed on my nose, and woke me up from long hibernation.

Here we sit now, over tea -

Honest bear and honourable hummingbird -

Waking up the dormant dolmens and ritual spaces

As Gaia herself yawns and stretches off her deep slumber.

And all we do is share with each other the honey we’ve gathered,

These years of our humble lives.

It is the nectar of the universe,

All cosmic process, intricate gifts of geometry,

All stories condensed to a singe epic tale, this book,

This page, this paragraph, this word,

The first and eternal sound held in our wild animal soul.

It is god and goddess holding each other

Fiercely, tenderly, singing,

Learning how to dance again

In this house once filled with dark loneliness.

We can see the stars

And we can see we are made of them.

17 December 2020

The endless blessing

May we see ourselves reflected in everything
May we see that every thing is a living thing, part of life.
May we see that we are part of life.

May we feel everything.
May we feel it move into and through us,
Each ecstatic happiness or despairing fear or pain,
Watch these things pass over and move through us,
Then let them go
And find nothing but ourselves in the wake,
New, changed. 

May we look up to see our own creations,
Look up and see what we have made,
Things we have made without even thinking.
May we begin more and more to choose 
What it is we want
Even if we tell ourselves we don't know what it looks like
Or feels like;
Let us take ourselves there anyway.
May we remember to move towards those places,
So that they can hear us too, and move towards us.
May we find each other there.

May we slowly wake up each year,
Each month, each week, each day
To find that we are waking up into
Our own dream,
That it's coming true.

May we begin to perceive the invisible threads
Weaving us into the tapestry of the divine,
The eternal entirety of Creation.
May we come to know that our scurrying, rushing, worrying
And otherwise seemingly important movements 
Can turn into a dance, 
And our 'way' can become bigger, gentler, calmer,
More efficient,
When we get out of that way.

May we move in a dance closer to the The Way of Universe,
The One Song, The Chi, The Prana, 
The giant breath that sings Creation in this and every moment.
May we seek out and come to know The Flow.
May we stay close and remain forever with it.
May we become it. May it find a home in us.
May we be gentle and patient
And take all the time, our sacred time, 
With ourselves in all this.

May we discover ourselves
And see the friends we've had all our lives,
Right here beside us, inside us all along,
Every dramatic, wyrd human step of the way.

17 November 2020

Kubuki Forest

Sweet little stream:
For whom do you gurgle, swish and brook?
Such a simple truth,
That nature gives the deepest, lightest laughs
And asks for nothing in return

11 November 2020


Emotional triggers.
Repetitive sequences of numbers.
Animals crossing one's path.
Slips of the tongue.
Odd synchronicities.

Source speaks:
To properly receive the messages
One must go to it,
Move towards these disruptions in
The fabric of space-time,
Allow the perturbation,
And ask,
"What is it you are trying to tell me
At this time?"

14 September 2020


Why speak of things I do not know
While black starlings rest and nest
And take their lonely shelter from the bleak storm
In wrought iron beams and rusty air conditioners?

How can so much beauty be mine
How can one person be so gifted
And still walk through a world of 
So many dark and sad things
In full knowing that all is in Love?

16 July 2020

A prayer to you, my ancestors

Mothers, Fathers:
Bless me, for I have sinned.
I bore myself into this life
And promptly forgot, 
Knew not my own heart song,
Nor how to hear it.
I pushed, then locked myself away, 
Allowed this world to silence me,
Whispered my truth unknowingly where
No one would hear,
Shared nothing of myself
Save that which was demanded,
I found faith and hope in nothing,
Did not fight hard enough for what
I felt was right.
I grew up too fast. I always tried to escape.

Bless me, I have always known,
I have always heard something.
You have been with me all along, 
Guiding my steps gently to where I am now
And I have no more apologies, 
Only thanks; deep, immense thanks.

My thanks I give to you for everything
I've so far been through, and 
I understand now that nothing has happened to me,
Only for me.
You have shown me signs, sent me allies,
Turned up the volume of nature so I can hear her,
Given me lessons that I might walk through 
The mirrors that show me my self,
Shown me all the pain and all the love that is possible,
And now I have everything I need for now.

You have given me dreams and 
This power of discernment,
My art and my craft,
The fortitude and endurance to hone my skills
Natural born.

I am only born,
A unique gift from my mother and father.
No one else has the blood I have in me.
I see, and I thank thee.
You are me, you are my memory
And there is no real fear,
Only unravellings of mysteries.

I realise I mistreated, punished and polluted
My body
For lack of understanding.
In anxiety I went wandering, lost
And bewildered by the path that I set
Before my self for this life.
I am sorry for all the misery and damage I may have caused,
On this, my blessed path to rememberance.

I am here. You are welcome to be here.
I invite you - come and sit down with me.
Tell me your stories. 
Stay with me here by this fire I am preparing.
Eat with me.
Pray with me.
Walk with me.
Sleep with me next to the fire.
Teach me how to live.
Show me how to listen, feel, see, travel.
Show me what is going on.
Stay with me. Walk with me.

I am so happy to meet you.
When they ask me, "How did you come
To meet your ancestors?" I will say:
"I got angry. And my anger invited them closer
And they began to answer me
In a language I understood
But in which I was not yet fluent.
I realised they were with me all the time
But I was blind, deaf..."
I must have asked the right question,
But it was you who refined my ways of asking.
I thank you.

I thank you for guiding me to the Living Elders;
Thank you for patching through The Call.
They show me I am not born in original sin
But in Original Beauty,
Out of and through Original Beauty.


'I am here to uphold the honour of being human.
I am here to reclaim the honour of being given
This place on the sacred hoop of life.'
- Pat McCabe/Woman Stands Shining, of the Dine (Navajo) Nation

09 June 2020

20 May 2020

The longing

The dark needs friends too.
Who will befriend the dark,
Who will guide us through?

It is when the world is most quiet,

It is the space that people retreat from
Only to willingly yet unwittingly 
Enter into:
The Dark,

The darkest of which lies just before the dawn.

Pain, I hear you,
The you of me,
In the Earth
and me in the Earth.
I listen and feel.
I embrace you and welcome you inside
To my fire.
I will give you a safe haven 
As you journey us towards 
The horizon in the well,
The dawn that lies at the end of 
This noisy modern world.

We are everyone else
Especially in the places of longing
And other spaces of pain.

Pain: we are come of it,
Made of it, and so,
Fluent in it, 
Carrying, holding, accepting
And loving
That which others can not -
Can not see,
Can not allow in themselves.
We take on theirs, and they,
Ours. We share.

Perhaps we ask for what we want
By giving it to others.

13 May 2020

Tercet: Ocean/Earth/Air

Ocean, what have you seen?
Earth, what have you felt?
Air, what have you heard?

07 May 2020

Jimmy, Jonesy, and The Giant

It's easy to play with it
When you got word and math writ
In the pink matter under the hoodie mad hatter.
It ain't Egoic. 
It Heroic! And that ain't no simple thang!
They heroes:
They too oft early death goes,
That be sacrificial magic
In the throes of 
Ecstatic existential life grows!

06 May 2020

Bringer of Light

In the darkest hours she appeared.
I felt held by her.
Her brilliance is Live,
Unrehearsed, untelevised,
A slam, a stand up poetry jam.
She poked me from behind
And I turned to her with a mic.

Her mind is a rap.
She dives deep to find
That which is not yet tapped,
and then shares
The real, the true, the beautiful
The kind.
This conversation is rare.

Her self, her journey:
Twisted, broken, bent, warped,
An inner frame of flames, as she speaks
She strips to bare
I sense her in real time.

She speaks in answers to questions
She never knew she could ask.
I listen. She solves riddles
right then, right there.

For Qurasha

28 April 2020


Now I know why I hesitated
Now I know why I took so long to decide
Now I know why I doubted
Now I know why I resisted

I always knew,
I know now,
That I was waiting for
I was preparing for 
Getting ready, biding time, patiently
Patient for

23 April 2020

Haiku: Treasures

The things I don't like
Are in me. Treasures they be
When I learn to see.

05 April 2020

The revival

Observe the organism
Squirming across the sea of history,
Single-celled organism, weary of entropy:
It was sold a world and then, almost as a jibe,
Was told it had to push against it to survive.

Aeons unwrapped from oceans of 
Dark and scattered loneliness:
A single god consciousness emerges.
Meaning, purpose: 
Witness, learn, suffer, try,
Create, destroy, laugh, cry, die;
Intuit, feel, play, explore,
Love, lose, wonder, desire,
Remember, forget,
Remember and re-member and
The Giant God Clocks in the skies.

Some say there are many
And they bred us, enslaved us;
Some say they don’t care about us,
Don’t even know we exist.
Yet others say there is One, and 
It waits for us to turn inward and come to meet it,
Take the time to get to know it,
Because it is lonely,

And that is why we are here.
We are God’s imaginary friends come real.
But we fixate on and attach to 
This material dimension, 
Get distracted from Its great game and so,
Every now and then, 
It tantrums, throws us toys out of the cot
Like a big child.
We are God slowly maturing, 
Growing Itself up and out
At exponentially accelerating speeds.
How old is God.
Poor, lonely God. How old are You?
We pity you. You pity us. It’s in the nature
Of so-called Love: 
To look upon in favour or disfavour - 
The appetites of animals, men,

Once the civility of language is unzipped
The evidence is laid bare like a nymph caught naked
And tied to a rock in the waves;
How bizarre, these rounds of prophecy, myths,
Understanding, sooth, knowing, theorising,
Calculating, hypothesizing, weaving, discriminating:
Stories, all. No more, no less.
We are immersed in a tapestry of tall tales, 
Figments of legends titanic in height,
Sunk beneath the rising waters, 
Lost and out of sight.
Let’s just be patient 
And wait another couple of thousand years.
Nothing of us now is going to survive
Or be discovered again one day.
We are made of plastic.
Nothing from Now will remain.
This is an ephemeral age,
Fleeting experiences of attachment to
Cheaper rebirth and burning the house down
Like there’s no tomorrow.

The organism grows a stoic grace,
Sits and learns to breathe on its own,
Works out how to look up with eyes closed 
And smile in greeting at the possibility of 
A Great Knowable Unknown.
Observe the organism.
Listen to all its thousands of short thoughts:
A humm - 
What computers are based on. The processing unit.

Observe the organism moving between those stories,
Maintaining a tight balance, 
Sifting through friends and family, making head and tail, 
Sorting out riff from raff now: who are the allies?
What does it really need?

Watch the organism simplify.
Yes, you: Watch.
Watch the organism artfully become aware and awake to,
Process and adapt to subtle impressions,
And grow its sense of humour.
Watch the organism adapt.

31 March 2020

To Human

To Human is to suffer
The most exquisite being.
To remain, 
And not go to sleep in this realm,
To not drop anchor in a late
Post post modern Capitalist,
Anthropocentric mind cage,
Is a great trick that requires
The dexterity and careful calculation
Of a fox.

28 February 2020


A  Ask for signs to be given
L and they will be shown…
I The trick is to learn to Listen, for
E The Universe
N Answers not in Queen’s English

25 February 2020

17 February 2020

The Philosophy is Kindness

The philosophy is Kindness
I worked so hard to find this
Until I was ready to hear 
I walked in blindness:
The universe sings songs inside us

10 February 2020


In between aeons

In between styles
In between tram tracks and horse-drawn carriages
In between intercontinental flights and airport terminals

In between gas tanks and world wars

In between the pages of an Elven fantasy
The stage coach industrial propriety of this 
someplace other than here unreachable, unatttainable Then There

In between the repeatlessness of this eternal moment
The cogs of the clock that invented the internal combustion engine

In between the scream of a live birth
the laugh of a death’s exhalation

In between short skirts and long dresses
In between lazy flip-flops and fascist high heels
In between dimensions and the right to be woman, animal, Black

In between the leaves of trees of old world forests

In between the fashions and remixes and boredoms and ecstatic exhilarations
In between socialists and republicans, 
In between Christians and Moors

Where are we
Where are we

In between the wings of a butterfly causing an effect
In between repression and free love
In between the moaning, cracking continents slowly slamming together

In between the silken sticky strands of a spider’s web

In between the crew cuts of brain washed bullet resistant helmets
the letting of hair to grow long with questioning and revolt

In between the way the animals seek out our warm, loving hands with their bodies
the way they run from us, fear us, hide from us

In between the theoretical atoms that make up 
That which moves in and out of what, theoretically, matters

Where are we
Where are we

Zoom in, zoom out
Fast forward, backtrack
And breath is the vehicle upon which we move into the next moment

In between the Gates of Eden, mystery, adventure and self-governance
the Hell of suffering and unknowing, slavery

In between allowing the forgiveness, the go-letting, the gratitude, the blessing,
the knowing that there is something truly remarkable happening here that is 
more majestic and curious than the madness and sadness we get 
from being alive
feeling the misery of that miserly, slimy, heavy pointless 

In between the safe, motherly arms of a creative caretaker
the cold, wet fingers of chilling loneliness, doubt and despair

In between the pages of History: safe and sealed Fake News Whatever!
Who Cares? We won! Hand us another Bud there, Sparky

In between the wizardry of pyramids and slowly built stone structures
the forced mechanical violations of sky: Scrapers

Where are we
Where are we

In between the desperate, starving, groping, clinging, hoarding lean times, 
the avarice and suspicion and cruelty of self-preservation
the gargantuan understanding, care, consideration, and compassion 
of sharing,
fearlessness, trust, surrender, abandon.

In between the heavy iron heaving smoke spewing cloud altering jet propulsion
of sardines packed tightly to save on expensive, diminishing, 
contracting space
mind-controlled levitation, song-fuelled golden crystal flying disks 
silently whisking along ley lines in 
the earth’s natural energy pathways; free minds, space expanding,
bountiful, abundant.

In between the myriad, countless nameless expressions of the Everything and Always,
Now and Forever, here and there and everywhere, 
in this reality and all the others
the dualism of the cut & dry, the chalk & cheese of polar opposites, 
you’re hot or you’re not, you’re in or you’re out, 
if you’re not with us you’re against us.

In between the 99 names for God
the mind that seeks to enforce one cross, one language,
one queen of English, Spanish, Dutch

In between this dream, this consensual reality, this so-called waking world
all the others, before me, after
me, on a Sunday.

Where are we
Where are we

Zoom in, zoom out
Fast forward, backtrack
And breath is the key that unlocks all doors

In between closing our eyes and travelling through darkness until
a voyage through the inner cosmos is revealed 
in light and swirling tryptamine beings, tripping bass loops, 
seeing and experiencing, learning and processing,
Knowing and understanding deeper and deeper one’s self, Alone
living with the silent acceptance that no one will ever read this story;
no one will ever see what or how I see, 
This: will go with me.

In between the arrogance of a mere man standing on a mega mountain
with his flag phallus neatly parked in, shoved in, the earth, his mother,
claiming her soil, 
claiming he can slingshot some wretched chimp beyond her life-embracing atmosphere
cracking bottles of some expensive sparkling abomination of the sacred grape 
While growing spare ears on the backs of damned mice, 
splicing stem cells from the aborted foetuses of abducted underage sex slaves 
to conjure vaccines and antibiotics and youth elixirs, 
claiming that your problem is that you’ve got cancer and they can cure it for you
OOps! No sorry, they can’t.  But here’s the bill anyway and it includes 
the cancer they sold you from the beginning
The giant unrolling, unfurling hidden Universe inside and outside,
Luminously involuting with its symmetries and imperfections,
its chaos and synchronicities, singing, dancing, witness only to 

Ancient Guffaws

Where are we
Where are we

In between the dream we have of our lives
The greatest disappointment,

In between the way we bow down in fawning, give our worship and praise to those
We know own money and property, even though it’s all delusion and debt,
As though this were a bonafide measure of the true weight and value of a being,
Give away the thousands of years of our accumulated knowledge into one huge collective selfie
The way we are blind to the humble beggar, wild ocean washed hair,
Barefoot enlightened, spiritually liberated, mind freed, sitting there on the sidewalk
Under the big tree where dogs piss and people spit and park their cars up on top of the old roots,
Just letting the music of God move through her head, her heart, her hands
On a Sunday.

Where are we