
21 August 2021

A Trick is Perspective

Gravity is a constant Trickster.
I am so incredibly sad.
Alcohol is a poison,
As is any poor relation.

I can do anything and go 
Anywhere I want. I am free.
Nothing except gravity controls me.
I am a leaf connected to, loved by a tree.

There is no justice for the ego save that which is 
Held by universe. And by the time I get there
All I find is concept-confounding, quiet, 
Unassuming, mischievous mystery;

What’s beyond being ancient, the lithic 
Scraps of earth DNA memory 
Whispering the Presence of something Divine,
And the way in which it comes to me:

Quiet and supernatural, like
Spiders flying in the breeze,
Bones of trees,

Feathers and space ice in the ocean this eve.
Praise for the new names being revealed to me!
For what side of the sword we may be on
Is the heartspace we’re choosing to come from.

25 July 2021

Haiku: Blessed long Line

Blessed be your Life
Blessed be your Mother and your Father
And your long Line

16 June 2021

Haiku: Day 2

When I have nothing

Left inside me I can not

Give you anything

19 April 2021



Marvellous mirror,

You are part of Pacha Mama.

You are warmth and light.

You are brown and gold and green.

You are silk and perfume 

And so many fine things I am not used to,

Do not know, yet know I like.

These are strange new times

And you have stilled my gaze.

You help me see how full of magic I am.

You walk in front of me along the shoreline

Of sublime deep grey misty oceanscape

While dragons circle and swim in the air

Beyong my reckoning.

You are part of earth, part of sky

And part of everything in between.

You are light,


You are some fair green, luscious, thirst-quenching

Welcome back to sacred ritual space;

These things are in you -

Can you see?

Fire! A rush of change, a wave of love, now,

To wash down and bring cheer as we write

The words to guide the song,

The beginning to a focused dot, all that is

In heart intention and promise:

Art, music, poetry - unfurl! Brave,

Bold, sexy universe of brown gold,

Green. Happy birthday, turquoise, teal,

You Godhead colours joining heaven earth 

and heaven sky in deep grey misty oceanscape,

Past, present, future



19 March 2021

Bee and beetle

A bee

Separated from her hive:

Does she experience loss

Or simply have an other experience?

A beetle

Walking seemingly suicidally towards

The incoming tide:

Does he sense death by water - wish for it, even;

Or is he having a kaleidoscopic visionary adventure

In bliss,

Being alive,

Just being alive

For what seems, to us, like

A paltry few days?

03 February 2021

Five haikus: early tide, laughter of dawn

Morning mudra
Movement greeting ritual 
With my giant ocean friend.

Freestyle tai chi:
Code connecting minuscule me
To eternal sea.

The stories we tell 
Ourselves about our selves,
Ancient water creature!

Early tide, dawn's laugh:
That we matter not is what
Really matters most.

When I am in the 
Water of the sea, something
Starts to move through me.

I forget I ever forgot
When I am inside
Her early tide.

25 January 2021

Haiku: Over

Many things served their
Time and Purpose. Farewell, Old
Friends. Goodbye, Old World.

21 January 2021

to: Life

Flattened by you.

Lying head on desk.

The pencil lifts up my hand.

Soft tears escape my surprised,

(cont)rolling eyes.

I get up.

I asked you to please

Stop shouting so loud, 

So harsh,

To please talk to me gently,

Talk to me so I could hear you.

You listened.

You stopped shouting, 

Just kept quiet and

Picked me up.

I softened my sharp, contracted,

Tense and frightened edges,

Relaxed and started to put on fat and muscle.

Your shouting was a primal scream to wake me 

Back into wildness and 

The knowing that each waking moment is sacred.

My being is no longer haunted by sin

But stands tall and strong, 

Honoured to be part of your divinity.

The call is now, and has always been,

To stay close to you, Love, learn how to

Be inside you, make you my home.

20 January 2021

Haiku: Father's blessing

I think 
You have fractals in your future
A father told his daughter

18 January 2021