
27 August 2014

ARMAGEDDON BOX (Symbolic violence) Pt. 5

Storm on my cheek, cigarettes and wine for company
Oh we need this cold come again
Whoop whoop! Homi
Dancing young skirts up High sexy & holy
Enter left fantasy
Sans comedie oder tragedie

And words!  Oh fine
Company and the signs,
Sigils for nature’s remedy
Where is my bride, tucked away at
My found home tight, too tight
Alphas & Romeos, no song for you tonight

Competition on the telly, just in case
Folks, just in case you might
Need some tennis, racing, or other shallow
Delight. Fuck off.
Come hither & let me lick you
Wide open.  Give me your creamy insight

some snow on the TV

23 August 2014

ARMAGEDDON BOX (Symbolic violence) Pt. 4

Pt. 4

Oh but to exhale
                clear lungs once & for All
                of cheap sex humour tugging
                incessantly & invitingly
                sickly once more, alluring
          in its Purity

Animal my animal must               
                meat your animal unashamed
                bring it & let’s do it finally
                let’s have an affair
                & pray that you don’t tell, that
          no one in this small town has eyes to see

And so, you see I’ve only faint ideas
                of why they always find me:
                mysterious liaisons, non-existent as
                they may be, chronically related to
                my trying so hard & working so hard 
         at this in mind, garden & notebook

15 August 2014

ARMAGEDDON BOX (Symbolic violence) Pt.3

Pt. 3

Incite: Minds be blown open wide!
Exhort: Blinds be folded up & dusted clear
Come here!  Sit in my lap & fold your arms round
My newly muscled neck, share if you care
I’m almost mad, take me there?
Or do I go too far.
Do words I have lead me astray.
Does imagination fail me as it holds me upright
Butter on my buns, and I need gumboots
Stop me from slipping or twisting ankle
So energy be ready for tapping
New designs, new fortune set loose
Quiver full, strings tight.
Nemesis met & shame nearly vanquished
Just this now.  Whiteboards aplenty, stationery
Held, ink dripping from the quill &
Space to be harnessed & gently destroyed

Go get rescue none for me.  Need to
Walk this alone: hum bass drum
Come you mofo’s come
Time to refine humour & sense of sanity
Realms gush & pour freely, make a river
So accessible,
Drink from & replenish
Souls hold a banquet please

I want not Home but to walk
This path.  Walk, tread, stare, envision
Dig & rake & remake Love
Heavenly bodies
Addicted to ideas & got this
Way to carve

Spit ‘n sizzle, I live in a Garden
Earthly delights, indeed
Lose speed & torture, breathe in
Total, obliterating Okayness

Ready. Bitches be hungry

12 August 2014

ARMAGEDDON BOX (Symbolic violence) Pt. 2


Still sit
Here wondering
About all the wondrous women I could
Run away with for the night safe &
Trust hidden away & some taken with
Spirit away & curl up warm & wet
For sweet salvation
Sweet and lovely safe
Fun & silly passionate & waking
Never-ending, enveloping twisting
Rolling touching

Gun ships. War. God’s own commandoes
Shoot selves in backs of helicopters
There’s a first time to fire a gun for each guy
Spill beans ‘n guts from army ration tins
Collected on memorabilia walls
Along with bayonets & helmets, cartridges of
Pain despair fear glory & irony.  Wrong

Would I if right now a woman
Should come along