
23 November 2019

22 November 2019

19 November 2019

People of the mind

People of the Mind:
The rivers of the Gut
and the givers of the hurt
Free yourself from 
Karmic bind!

14 November 2019

A reel of His story

What you got in your DNA, Jaguar?
I got the blood of poets,
Magicians and musicians!

There’s been a film sliding between me
And the stone of reality
Since I was young,
The film of culture 
And a whole family line 
Of ingrained self-destructive thought programming
That seem to be married into a rather unhealthy
Long term arrrangement.

Now it seems the reel is at its end,
Tugging off the spool and about to snap,
Tearing off its attachment clips,
Even as the spool is connected to 
A wheel that wants to keep spinning:

Half the problem was getting to the end of the script,
Emerging here, at the end of His Story.
But a new challenge arises:
What story do I write next?
What? In place of
Nothing I ever do is right or good enough.
What? In the aftermath of
No one sees me or cares about my existence.
What? To fill the space in the derangement of
I don’t know what love feels like, so
I can’t give or receive it.


13 November 2019

Haiku - Arcane

The creature
The placement of stones
The concept of truth in history

30 October 2019

Made of memory

Made of memory
We are being and
and not what language tells us
hardly literate or articulate

We are not language
We are long term learning
And yet
We leave the camera on
To record history
And hold the moment
As though we prefer the suffering
The short term antidote of identification
With pain

For centuries we’ve been afraid
Of questioning
Seeking inner truths
And so, teaching has gone silent

Trees are waking up now
Holding us in their long ancient branches
Comforting us as we shed the last tears of trauma
That we self inflicted
And counselling us as we recount the stories
Of where we come from and how
We were made to be slaves
Helping us to be free if we should choose to be

13 August 2019

Bitter salty sweet

A captured live moment made of light
Caught forever,
Tumbling, bumbling along in an imagined continuum -
A simulation or experiment, a video game
Of some thing other’s creation mind
And the word ‘consciousness’ births itself
First through thought,
Then through human.
An idea presents itself for ejection or injection
Out of or into flimsy fluid of melt plasma space
And quickens

But poetry is an aeons-aged substance
And has always been there as journalist,
Anthropologist, therapist, artist,
In service to the documentation of all awkward grasps
At a certainty of knowing,
Holding, owning, understanding
No thing:
Succeeding in cosmic nano gaps of particle,
For which a human second is a lifetime,
To be the being caught in between:
The Moment before the movement,
Everything else,

06 August 2019

God's spell

The sound of gospel singing out live
Down through the valley:
That we have voices to sing

That the person who gets to look 
Through my backpack when I die,
Sorting through my things to make sense of 
A Me for a moment,
Before sharing those pieces of That Me
Amongst friends,
Has the best smiles, laughs and confused,
Surprised, bewildered eye askews.

That we have this thing named Time
Into which we can sort those Things:
And our unpracticed sense of The Whole
Agonisingly anchored and weighed in 
Only through a deftly positioned, tightly adjusted Lens
Aiming at linearity reality,
Misdirected, perhaps.

That, among those Things,
We have alliteration and assonance,
Rhyming things, beer inspired poetry
With beckoning idea entities seeking physical form
Whispering into our ears
To escort them into our Imagination - 
An imagination of a One, apparently.

That we have voices. That we sensate
Sound and image,
Immerse nightly in dreams 
Dictated by our own DMT release in sleep, 
Willingly - most of us, without fear.
That we dream.

That we find reason for celebration 
And a stretching up into the light,
And look for cause to wallow sordidly
In darkness and morbidity
And always catch ourselves either
Breathing or not breathing.
That we sometimes need to remember to breathe
In between.

That we remember
And feel grateful.
That we know what it feels like,
That grateful feeling.

Being full of greatness,
That we can gather in these Group Things,
Salute and praise and raise each other,
Embrace and put heart to heart,
Go crazy with a latest craze.

That we can share a prayer
Or be still
And alone.
That we can share.
That we can sing out loud into the night.

That we are never ever alone
In that
We can share this Planet Place
With beings not ourselves: wolves, birds and serpents,
Ancient cats and tamed burden beasts,
Fern forests, aching mountains, moody rivers,
Incessant seas, mellow meadows and perpetual bone-dry,
Day-hollowed, indifferent deserts, 
Gentle giant clouds,
And cruelly unfair high-voltage electrical sub-celestial storm churnings;
Epic and tumultuous stories, myths and legends of gods and alien visitors,
Their space wars and their decisive acceptance or denial of us,

Desperate and yearning for meaning, searching, unwittingly,
To be better, more, apply learning,
To grow, awaken, re-call, 
To actualise, energize, amplify
That we are always, essentially, wild and with it.

And that sleep
- That at the end of a Day
Or the End of our days
- is really so sweet,

05 June 2019


That which is most marvellous,
Magical, mysterious, miraculous -
This is worth living for
and placing absolute faith in

07 May 2019

Refusal of The Call

Living in the spectre of 
“There’s something wrong with her!” whispers
Lift spirit:
Check posture, breathing, face muscles…
Who am I surrounded by
What place am I in?

Refusal of The Call
The Wound, the Pain, holy
Sacred spaces fill me
Multisensory, always switched on
Learning the languages to interpret
You are so patient, so gentle with me

24 April 2019

Ancestral anger

It is we who are angry now
It is we who wake up into an agony of now
For it is a nightmare we awake into
A system of derision that has been
Programmed by you.

You who have burned the stories
Lost the knowledge
You lost the maps, the keys
Where is our treasure? Where is our gold?
You did not teach us the ways
You did not leave the tools for living
You ate everything and left nothing for us
We, the descendants of your future.

We are here now, angry and hungry
We will go inside
Give thanks
Seek our own permission
For we are you and you are us
We are here now
We will plant again and restore with what we have.
You destroyed nearly everything.
But we are here now to stop
We are here now to begin anew.

We will speak free
We will seek fun
We will no longer be silent for fear of
Your disapproval, or for fear of 
Your cutting the supply lines.

You are dying stubbornly
You don’t want to let go
You still want everything
You are deranged and psychotic
With a lust for the wrong kind of power
A power that kills and will not share
A power that excludes and expects
Lauding and praising from itself
And all outside itself
You will soon be extinct

Will you learn grace?
Will you slow down and rethink?
Yes, you will
We are here now to help you
We will right the wrong

07 February 2019

Dream of Me

I am me
Exactly where I want to be
I woke up into a dream
I woke up Me
Exactly where I wanted to be
I woke up into a dream

06 January 2019


What if
The worst that ever happened
To trigger all subsequent life
Pains, angers, happinesses, excitements and fears
Was that, at some point 
When I was very, very young
I was left behind


Did I find a way to escape
And this was the best that ever happened