
13 August 2019

Bitter salty sweet

A captured live moment made of light
Caught forever,
Tumbling, bumbling along in an imagined continuum -
A simulation or experiment, a video game
Of some thing other’s creation mind
And the word ‘consciousness’ births itself
First through thought,
Then through human.
An idea presents itself for ejection or injection
Out of or into flimsy fluid of melt plasma space
And quickens

But poetry is an aeons-aged substance
And has always been there as journalist,
Anthropologist, therapist, artist,
In service to the documentation of all awkward grasps
At a certainty of knowing,
Holding, owning, understanding
No thing:
Succeeding in cosmic nano gaps of particle,
For which a human second is a lifetime,
To be the being caught in between:
The Moment before the movement,
Everything else,

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