Much madness is divinest sense –
to a discerning eye – much sense –
the strangest madness – tis the majority in this,
as all, prevail – assent – and you are sane
demur – you’re straightway dangerous
and handled with a chain
- Emily Dickenson
LoveMessageWordSistahQuest (pt. 2)
It is occurring to me little by little,
Bit by bit, that sometime not too long ago
We humans declared a split.
We threw God out on the street,
Set evil men to see to it things be
Reduced to logic and numbers in a way
We could teach our children how we
Learned to keep Nature at bay
How, now, without a doubt,
We are The Shit.
And shit we are, like shit we stink
If we stop imagining, or for one second
Think that wearing bling and hiding
Behind lipstick will save our souls,
Convince the ship we don’t need to sink.
What happened to alchemy?
What of the gold?
Why are we so stuck on Innocent
Yet afraid of getting old?
All through the night,
Prefer blank grey and beige
Chic avant-garde concrete fright
To letting the children scream and play
Painting the walls with spray cans,
Colours loud and bright?
Sssh... quiet down!
You’re embarrassing us...
Acting the clown...
- I humbly
Do not offer my apology
For I am using my inbuilt
Vocal volume control ability
Ja, but stop complaining.
You sound like an anarchist, a dope.
I mean, I hear what you’re saying,
But, I mean, there’s always HOPE.
- Hope, you say?
Well, I pray,
Allow me to lead you astray.
Hope of what, hope for whom?
Hope for the bored animals
On parade in the zoo?
Hope that a miracle will
Happen just for you
So that you don’t have to
Feel or give a shit -
Pop a pill to deal with it -
So that you can carry on
The same old way,
Same shit, different day?
Hope to shine a light on
A crack you can slip through
That lets you never change
A single thing you do?
Hope that all those poor,
Homeless, cold,
Won’t see the millions from their land,
Stolen, sold;
All those dispossessed and left to fend
Off the leftovers in your hand
Won’t see all the extra empty
Holiday homes built out there on the sand?
Hope you have, then.
In perpetual paranoia
You shall remain
Of the Unseen Enemy who
Breaks all, takes all
You have worked,
Slaved so hard to attain.
A slave you are to
The myth that tells you
One day big daddy is
Coming to save you.
Disconnected you choose to be
From the very nature that
Offers balance to you & me
But it’s already being taken care of,
It’s already here, everything’s just fine.
So feel free to let go and
Jump off at any time.
Let paradise be, cut the suffocating storyline
And give praise to the rhyme that sings
Of one planet heart mind_______________________
Rethink, reduce & recycle what you consume
Take responsibility for your life
Turn off the TV
Grow a veg garden
Share a car, a vacuum cleaner
& washing machine with the neighbours
Bake your own bread
Think about the animals you kill and eat
Wake up to your body, wake up to the earth
Ignore the State
(for other smashing ideas on
how to simplify life see The Idler )
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