
14 November 2013

Upcoming exhibition and opening event

A Guide To The Wild

5 Dec. 2013 - 5 Jan. 2014
The Village Bistro, Chintsa East

Exhibition opening:
Thursday 5 Dec. 2013, 18h00 for 18h30 
at The Village Bistro, Chintsa East
A selection of cheeses and wines will be served

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For a preview of works in the exhibition click here

30 October 2013

What it looks like where I am

This and all latest posts animal-related to feature in my upcoming end of year show:-

What It Looks Like Where I Am - 2013 acrylic on canvas, 45 x 60cm

14 October 2013

more new painting for end of year show

Walking is just a series of controlled falls 
- 2013 ink & acrylic on canvas, 17.5 x 12.5cm

07 October 2013

08 September 2013

AM series - rabbit

About half way, now, with this little series of sketches I'm doing for a painting I'm working on.  Here's the last one for now (keep scrolling down for the rest of the series)....more meditating animals to come!

14 August 2013

Notes to Self

New painting....

Notes to Self
60.5 x 45 cm, ink & acrylic on canvas

31 July 2013

The Friends Fortnight Fast Femmes

This is a little cartoon I did of Charlotte and Laura (feat. Thabo's bright, brawny orange polly shorts) all the way from the UK who are working at the office next door to mine as volunteer co-ordinators.  Very special girls these two - jolly and peppy and full of teacherly sunshine!  They did a Fast to raise money for the NPO I work for; the Fast was created to find funding for a feeding scheme we run to give the kids at one of the local schools a hot lunch during their school day, and is designed so that participants experience what it is like to go without hot food - for two weeks: The Friends Fortnight Fast (click on the link, and watch the video!).  Needless to say, food has become a huge locus of awareness around here...

04 July 2013

25 June 2013

The fucking box (hall of mirrors)

a scribble from a 2012 sketchbook

The fucking box (hall of mirrors)

Hello human being
Most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen

The dust I swallow
The dust of the cold
Intuitive, subversive to
Question the very meaning
Breathe eat sleep seeking
Work one’s way through
The wormhole
The dust we swallow

The fuss we follow
To Be or Not To Be Bold
Shallow, formal
In the hospitals of old
I feel this dirt I can not hold
Arrange the words to untangle
Anything too absurd
While mountains moan
And shift and groan
I tap gently on the
The piano keys,
The krispy krakkle of paper well-worn
The fuss we fawn.

We each have our way,
Times you jar on my ears grrrr
This is my time, our time
Kind time, found rhyme time
Faith and trust I follow, or
What is this life for

That’s why I keep my notebooks small.
I don’t have the space to put this all.

24 June 2013

06 June 2013

A song for all lovers

Ok it’s quiet now everyone
has gone and left me alone.
I can not exist if I want to

(Of sorts) with an old playmate
or two, sitting with strangers
and watching families commune

with my own blood and kin
alone, accents
dancing children little

people who know how to have fun.
souls on swivel poles
when the conversation isn’t interesting

I’ve ever tried to impress
or make love me
has nothing to do with

Do do need one more
Another while with an other
A love to put her morals on standby

How do you pause
This ancient drama,
Girl of the World?

How do I speed up the happenings that matter
And slow down the things
That need to go now

Lay it all out again
Lists and keys and notes, pieces of
a puzzle that somehow ought to fit

Well, my plants survived three weeks
Without my presence
And so should I now I hear my own soul speak

Not lost in a forest, all alone,
But united and known to all lovers
By the sound, soft and deep

see StreetArt in Germany

28 May 2013

Poetry for the Plastic People pt. 5 - The surge of the urge to purge

 Untitled (About writing poetry)

Ou maatjie, sigaretjie
Kara Thrace and her special destiny, help me face this
Challenge put to me today
Left style flow writing parallax
Into the forest I throw wood back

After using matches to light up
Forgetting again to write those letters I’d like to send
Into frowns is my face always drowned, those
Who don’t ‘get’ poetry seem to say to me
And yes, perhaps I’m an obsessive-compulsive word gambler

But just maybe I’m the world’s best friend
While they carve up the world like Christmas turkey
I prefer the magic real of crinkled sheaves
Of tree shaving’s release relief and choose to
Choose to choose to be this body

Me and everything and everybody
Gets to choose to be whatever they want to be
Wherever, whenever, whoever, do ever
Everybody gets to be free, we
Just got to awaken to the possibility

Then use it, choose it at every opportunity
Everybody In The World Is Not Doing Something Without Me
And if I had known I was to live a life as lonely as this, doodling verse,
Scribbling my metaphorical maths ‘cross a page at slave labour wage
Sjoe, maybe I wouldn’t have chosen to be quite so radical, eh?

Picking up junk to rearrange the world that is this stage,
Looking up and slowing down the pace, looking around to see how
Mostly people are afraid to be wild and crazy, and how
The underground will always thrive as long as ignorance stays alive
Well yay I’ve found a niche that fits me completely, and hey,

Why not grant faces swift me swift
As languish fades, these lounging lions that charge me:
“Why?”  They wake past day
The beckoning moon that scries a starlit sky
And Sky asks for portraits to be painted

To bring back darkness, to make daylight garble garlands though
Streets of non-rhyme and non-sense may quick and hill suddenly
The roundabout way, therefore by foot the best means, I say
Wait for lavender to trim the municipal edges of
Old neighbours and favours asked, help given

ink, black marker and ballpoint pen, cutouts - from 2012 sketchbook

I gather brothers and sisters, come back always to
heart chest feel touch gladness at these metaphysical children
Granting access to metatronic wisdom through symbols and letters
Because we’re on the same cloud, you and me, whether you do or don’t

Get poetry and if indeed it’s on a cloud that we
Truly find ourselves to be
And the underground needs exist as long as ignorance persists

If I had known I was to live a life as lonely as this

21 May 2013


see the art of Dave McKean, this image from 
the book The Magic of Reality: How we know what's really true 
by Richard Dawkins


Forced to relax
composing truths so
fantasy retracts
coming undone from
all the shit I once
tried to quit

light unfurled
into distances hurled
at speeds now
demonstrated by
a Super A. I.
that won’t allow itself to cry

we surrender our bodies
to the dying lands
minefields of groping
grasping hands
and imagine our lives
in a single outgoing


03 May 2013

Pink think war

'Pure' A4 design for wall piece, black marker & ballpoint pen 2013

PINK THINK WAR  (Movies and other evasive emergency procedures)

At the mercy of a nature we barely understand  

Oh, we’ve heard this before so, get on with it! 

Young artist seeking acknowledgement
(or employment)
Cut cut
Cut out the cardboard
Cut cut
Loud ‘n raw
To craft a signal catcher.
Then out came silver, tin,
Alumini in he him foil
And my jaws began to clatter
Clammed tighter and tighter

Methinx I do hear (a stutter,) a chatter:
-(*antisocial blighter.!>)
'Hmm..ha..! Please,
can I borrow your lighter?’

It’s growing brighter, yes, and night fall
Brings strait’ning out of the blur fields,
The in-between lightning seeds,
Where evolution duly proceeds
To show us how all we don’t need
And everything on which we depend
We now have to fight for

Predatory, merry,
Insightful – very
So, all together now!
-Running away has become an option
That we won’t willingly die for

25 April 2013


Gestapo rodent-amphibian, A4, ink & ballpoint pen 2013


Ek se, please, excuse me big white daddy
I can smell your colognial mentality
Your Sunday morning politeness don’t fool me
For your policies 9 – Friday rise in fumes
From the golf courses of your Saturday bonhomie

You see, I can see right through your cigar smoke plumes
I’m bathed in a sunlight that was never meant for me
Yeah, try living an honest day in a world
Where I am now blamed for your cruelty
I’m meeted and greeted but I hear the Makgoa-Makgoa whispery

Haiyi-bo!  Oh shame!  It’s such a shame
This supposed civilised society in which the so-called free
Now weep themselves day and night to seek sleep
No, you don’t fool me, young white boy
In your dressed-for-success pink and green Old Khaki

New territory, yes, but old-as-bollocks businessspeak
Oh, believe me, we’re impressed.  I recognise the non-rhyme
Of your slick slime, the shadowed intentions of
Your never-say-die smile, your ignore your ideas in private
But pretend I’m your friend in public camaraderie

Ugh it stinks man.  I’m dying here,
Poof.  Someone take out the trash, please.
The false smile lining the golden mile,
The illusion of the millionaire that, one day,
You’ll no doubt come to be

What’s life and raad you claim with draad
It’s a shame, such a shame
What you’re turning into
But hey, bru, there’s a space for you
In the Hell of everlasting Kammaraad, Dearie

You’re sitting on a gold mine, it’s said
But you commit soul crime
So shush your head
And hashish your mind instead,
Because you take Spoiled to new levels, Fred

17 April 2013

Adamant (Lack pt.2)

'Adamant' design for wall piece

Lack pt.2

hard to stomach
living in a world gone digital
disconnected at all
communikate.  edukate.
what if I had it wrong all along
becomes too strong
all the good stuff would get thrown
out with all the
                                questioning and wondering

to go with the flow for now
for the pondering must slow down
channel invite allow open risk
try strive come alive reach push
return gifts I’m bestown
soldier on through song

(see 'Lack' April 2 post)

12 April 2013

Civilised Society

new painting:

The Philosophy of Disobedience (after Henry Thoreau) 45cm x 15cm, acrylic on superwood


The problem with White We
Steered toward
Master of the World
Educated propriety
Future Status elbow
All others out the way
Attitude –
Pretending we believe
We know what’s best
What’s right for everybody
And how it’s all supposed to be
And dutiful sobriety

Make way for the wind
Civilised society


02 April 2013

Poetry for the Plastic People Pt. 4 - Lack


Switching over into other lanes
Slowly the patterns emerge
Dot dot dot
In the e-toll e-tag highway
Bliksem left and converge
Thunk thunk thunk it
Over uncomfortable cat’s eyes
I’m giving way
To the bigger better faster more
Of the holiday guzzling 4 x 4’s
Because I am pretty sure
More is not better
It’s just more

31 March 2013


The poet and the painter
Be the check to unchecked aggression
Purposely packaged, stamped and sold
As inevitable progression

The shaven-haired maiden
Teases cock to bare raven
Minds, teases to find
Exactly where the truth resides
Yes it lies twixt her own twisms
Twirled around her subversive visions
Gives birth daily to what’s real

And all that’s really needed
The  poet and the painter of this village
What’s her name and what’s her number
Stage left crack open purse
Fuck we want some of that chicken
Stage right we fight this curse with verse,
Pure design, rhyme and verse

The poet and the poem
Leave us to rewrite this staged show
Re right the code and bend the wires of this cage
We’ve all comfortably come to know

see Seismologik Intelligence