
31 March 2013


The poet and the painter
Be the check to unchecked aggression
Purposely packaged, stamped and sold
As inevitable progression

The shaven-haired maiden
Teases cock to bare raven
Minds, teases to find
Exactly where the truth resides
Yes it lies twixt her own twisms
Twirled around her subversive visions
Gives birth daily to what’s real

And all that’s really needed
The  poet and the painter of this village
What’s her name and what’s her number
Stage left crack open purse
Fuck we want some of that chicken
Stage right we fight this curse with verse,
Pure design, rhyme and verse

The poet and the poem
Leave us to rewrite this staged show
Re right the code and bend the wires of this cage
We’ve all comfortably come to know

see Seismologik Intelligence

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