
29 March 2013

And only shall with it once live

When I say painter, poet, writer, thinker
They look at me askew as though they have never
Considered that lifting words left to right
Easy-peasy lemon squeezy off a page
Could take you places you’d never seen before,
Let you travel without moving,
Light up the fires of that magical misty mystery stuff
Called Imagination, fly you high yeah man totally
Without even using drugs man to expanded
And fluid spaces where you’re unbound
And free to be in worlds of your own choosing,
Like music, better than sex, better than chocolate,
Better than supper in front of the evening news,
And that, like the local plumbers, carpenters, electricians,
Doctors, gardeners, barmen, and hotel-keepers,
Every village really, really, really, really needs one

see Seismologik Intelligence

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