
09 July 2014

Someone grabbed a slice of life (and that’s why there’s a hole in your paper)

Shit.  We miss.  Indeed we forget
And we’re re-learning
Arranging the signs as we walk
With these very random thoughts

We try tweak ‘em, add zero
And derive root advice off talk strange
Faces proud yet understanding
Want, share individual miraculous & magical knowing

Without ways of truly showing
We express try
Try take figments make memory
Try. Behave. Try share. Be merry

Facebook Make You Feel Like No One (2009)
Aye, bizarre be the word
In this transit terminal
So stand next to your best man
Look up look eyes find the othamuthafuckaz

Amazing, truly incredible don’t you think
The longevity of things
Elusive emanences of the consciousness in
And between the space and awareness of happenings

I give to you glyphs of rhyme and brave tellings
Sweet offerings, fruits of silence sown, peace grown
To drown out or to face being ground down by Bab'lon machine realm
- Blessings to us all, whatever the case

Listen (2009)

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