
27 October 2018

Interspecies love

When the veils are thin
And the muses and daemons draw near,
To move to the borderlands,
Drink the wine
And record the songs of cheer

Crickets; ocean hard-on:
We are nowhere near
But we keep moving 
Close to 
The Transcendental Object
At The End Of Time.
And, by Gods! We try our best
To stay close to irreverance
And congruent seeking out of experience,
To try the boundaries,
Slip through or break down
The walls we’ve so unconsciously built and bought

Finished. Soap bubbles.
Deep soak. Facial scrub.

All the mantras
All that’s trend-appropriated:
To hell with you!
Where’s the original thought?

Where did you go,
You pretty sweet-talkers
You industrious free-sharers of intellectual property
You always seem to skip town


Roll up. Get in
Central processing unit
Sending out the code for feeling
Cell receptors capture mind food
What am I feeding on
What am I eating
What am I feeding
Stop anytime.
Stop me anytime.
Climb off when you need to.
You can stop anytime you need to.

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