
25 June 2013

The fucking box (hall of mirrors)

a scribble from a 2012 sketchbook

The fucking box (hall of mirrors)

Hello human being
Most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen

The dust I swallow
The dust of the cold
Intuitive, subversive to
Question the very meaning
Breathe eat sleep seeking
Work one’s way through
The wormhole
The dust we swallow

The fuss we follow
To Be or Not To Be Bold
Shallow, formal
In the hospitals of old
I feel this dirt I can not hold
Arrange the words to untangle
Anything too absurd
While mountains moan
And shift and groan
I tap gently on the
The piano keys,
The krispy krakkle of paper well-worn
The fuss we fawn.

We each have our way,
Times you jar on my ears grrrr
This is my time, our time
Kind time, found rhyme time
Faith and trust I follow, or
What is this life for

That’s why I keep my notebooks small.
I don’t have the space to put this all.

24 June 2013

06 June 2013

A song for all lovers

Ok it’s quiet now everyone
has gone and left me alone.
I can not exist if I want to

(Of sorts) with an old playmate
or two, sitting with strangers
and watching families commune

with my own blood and kin
alone, accents
dancing children little

people who know how to have fun.
souls on swivel poles
when the conversation isn’t interesting

I’ve ever tried to impress
or make love me
has nothing to do with

Do do need one more
Another while with an other
A love to put her morals on standby

How do you pause
This ancient drama,
Girl of the World?

How do I speed up the happenings that matter
And slow down the things
That need to go now

Lay it all out again
Lists and keys and notes, pieces of
a puzzle that somehow ought to fit

Well, my plants survived three weeks
Without my presence
And so should I now I hear my own soul speak

Not lost in a forest, all alone,
But united and known to all lovers
By the sound, soft and deep

see StreetArt in Germany