
25 December 2011

Season's Mixed Messages

Ahoy Sailors
K8 has reams and reams
Of verse and prose stuffed
With dreams, but there's no rush -

It's time for those who slave away
345 days a year with minimum pay
To be with family, try have a Holy Day
Hope it's not too much to pray
You don't get drunk but stay awake
Remind yourselves how it is to play

For the Plutocracy
Surrounding you and me
Never sleeps, in fact closer creeps,
Into the rift
Between the real and the lie
It seeps
And the chasm between our bodies & our minds
Gets deepened.
So turn off the TV and go outside
Lest your precious time be cheapened

'Tis the season 'tis the season
Yet the sanctity and the meaning..
Oh, by now I think we're all aware
of Capitalism's Treason

Take heed of seeds sown
Weeds grown by greed's need
To own young minds left alone
with mixed messages on the T-Vo

Merry Xmas to you, World
If in all this silliness
you find some reason...

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